MFB Cashier

"95% of our customers pay only their own portion of the bill. Every time they do so, I have to take every item from the bill and add them up using a calculator. Then I have to calculate the HST and the exchange rate if they are using foreign currency. Tradition POS machine is completely useless. This app is a beast.

- Stella, Manager of Infinity Black Mississauga

Split Billing

Select items


Add to sub-bill


Pay the sub-bill


Conditional Discount

"Can effect by promotions"


Transaction View

Or SpeedPay

"The Three Layer Design"

1. Fundamental Layer

User Access Management, Menu, Navigation, and Routing

2. Core Layer

Transaction Control, Report Generator, Currency, and Tagging System

3. Functional Layer

Room, Bill System, etc. Everything that makes the app more functional, is built on top of layer 2.

View the application source code on GitHub